That was great. Not entirely a story, being a challenge introduction thing, I think you still managed to pull off a really cool and compelling visual with the lone knight entering the quiet arena.
I love the feeling of growing anticipation I get from reading this. The imagery is great; a single knight standing within a large arena, silent and ready for battle.
I think this is a great idea. I have been looking at this story for a while now, trying to come up with something better to say, but that’s all I’ve got so far. Hmm, maybe this does not bode well for the upcoming comment tournament…
Beautiful. Your language, or the way you use it rather, is unparalleled. I too liked the opening sentences, ‘the air of the dawning…’ was awesome. Simply great, Sir Bic. Oh, and the title seems to be hinting at how best to comment, as well as sounding like your moniker… thats pretty awesome as well 8)
That first paragraph is gorgeous – rife with so much romantic imagery for the lonely hero. I hope thou feel’st not so alone now, good Ser.
I have an urge to pull out images I like: glistened like a burnished blanket air of the dawning was crisp the wake of integral sleep and fortitudinous slumber he regretted not having all the attention he had for so long grown much accustomed to
I would go so far as to say this is the best of yours (of those I’ve read) to date!