Okay, may have gone a bit overboard here, but having read Sir Bic’s I was inspired. I think it speaks for itself, but then again, I have a tendency to be more vague than I think I am being.
Nice to see your standard stamped upon this challenge. I think we should raise it high in honor. Be careful in your wars! We’d like to see you back whole.
Vague, yes. Illegible, no. Children always know the right things to say. I was confused as to whether the Captain was participating or not, but that it the only confusion on this side of the Atlantic.
Your introduction seems an allusion to what we all experience when balancing our real life with or imaginary Ficly life. “So Many Battles,” ain’t that the truth! The boy perhaps is our inner child, wanting to play, not caring of the consequences of leaving more important matters undone. In wisdom the good captain can see the limitations even he has. Not being able to provide all-things the attention they deserve, he decides instead to raise his standard and challenge himself to accomplish all that he can. Nobility – indeed.
The line: “Yet he does not follow” gives me reason to pause and evaluate the battles I fight. I thank thee.