They Meant Well
That expression can dust. It’s merely a guilt attenuator for someone’s detrimental actions.
I’m bound to this place by law. I have null to do. I’m offered two meals daily. One of the two dinners I get to choose from includes peas; the other includes mashed potatoes. They are never offered together. If I miss the one-hour time slot in which food is offered, perhaps I’ve fallen asleep while keeping sentinel over the clock, I’m left to starve until the next meal time.
I’m constantly being watched. I am escorted everywhere I go and offered less than the basic respect one offers another human by default.
And I’ve been given a death sentence. I served my country in the Second World War. I gave my family a loving and comfortable environment. And this is where I my end is.
I’m sure they meant well, my family.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a bingo tournament to sweep.