That is a sweet way to look at a relationship! did you make up those numbers or did you actually calculate them? this was an enjoyable read and the ending made me chuckle. Keep on being a scientist!!
I really enjoyed this as well. The tone is struck perfectly throughout the piece and it really gives a sense of honesty to it, even though the author is using numbers rather than “standard” romantic metaphors and whatnot.
I’m frustrated. I can’t submit a comment without it being chopped in half and smooshed together into a jumble of non-sense for some reason. I have the most exquisitely awful puns to make, and much praise to give… but I’m worried I’ll have to delete my comment for the third time and start all over :(
Did you know that 78.4% of statistics quoted by the general population are made up on the spot? Haha. While I am not mathematically minded (I was the girl who drew pictures of lurking variables hiding on her worksheets) I liked this a lot. Perfect nerdy love note, and it being signed with X was the cherry on top :)
So Compatibility is d/dx [f(g(x))] = f0(g(x))g0(x)
and Relationship Longevity is d/dx [f(x)n] = n-1 f(x)nf0(x)
Oh, wait… but when dealing with abstract concepts, such as love, Nash’s Game Theory would look for evolutionarily stable equilibrium behaviours for positive payoff that would lead to mating… so according to von Neumann’s complementarity equation pT (A − λ B) q = 0, you do not have a chance with this lady.