Bit too short for my tastes. And I say that knowing full well there is a character limit that determines length. What I mean is, the telling is so broad, entirely exposition, that it winds up feeling flat or lifeless, without a real depth expanding off in either direction. It’s a nice summary of a story, but you could have told the same and so much more by focusing in on a moment.
A few grammar/typo things as well—nothing a quick editing run through couldn’t fix.
I agree with THX – this is a nice outline for a story, but put some more detail into it! It’s also hard to buy into the story without knowing more about the people. We get that they’re happy together, but who are they? And what came between them?
The moral is sweet, true that love is love no matter how long it lasts. Run through and make sure there’s a space after every period. In para 2 its’ should be its (possessive). And then in para 3, she and I, not me and her… the other person always comes first. :) That’s how my second grade teacher taught us that rule, respect haha.