I changed the format, mostly on purpose to emphasize that I changed perspective as well, looking at the exchange as it continues from his point of view…assuming the protagonist in the last bit was a girl.
awesome sequel! I think the POV change and italics work very well. It’s also amusing that the boy keeps talking. usually the girls are the wordy ones. :) He must really want an answer! It seems as if he really likes her, and yet he also seems willing to let her go if he has to. That’s what makes this piece feel uneasy to me.
I love it! I definitely intended the protagonist to be a girl haha. I like that you changed the perspective, got inside the guy’s head, that’s something I’m not quite as good at. Thanks for sequeling, it means a lot that you liked my story enough to continue!
In the prequel, I pictured him to be more of a sentimental guy, but it seems he’s more calculative than I’d thought. Personally, I get the feeling that he doesn’t really like her, though he does like her enough to keep trying. But I like the thought process, I can feel his frustration and apprehension. Oh, and one small thing – I think the last character was supposed to be an underscore?
Great sequel; nicely done, Doc. It seems the perspective is changed not only with the characters but also in the sentiment. Someday’s story had a sweet innocence to it, this piece has more mature undertones – it’s almost creepy to know his thoughts now.