Wire me rollover breaths commit late words to silhouettes. Pessimistic conduit, communist turned hypocrite. When the surgeon gets them through, I’ll know this change is permanent.
In exchange for energy, I’ll leave behind and IOU, and a measly sum of flesh that I’d acquired prior to when…
Now start reading the entire thing again. It’s a cycle that never ends.
btw: I think I’ve figured out how to make a sequel and prequel of the same story. This might help you to create the reading loop you are looking for. Check this out: http://ficly.com/stories/26096
I think the code to loop your story would look like this: http://ficly.com/stories/new?sequel=26587&prequel=26587
I’ve got to say that I’m really into your poetry. This one is exceptional— so unique and though provoking. And I’m such a sucker for the rhyme you sprinkle in. This is very much like a song. You even have a refrain and all. There’s a lot going on in here, and that’s what makes it fun to read and try to figure out.