
The New Guys: Early Dinners and Late Warnings

“Awww Gustav, you’ve brought more food,” A voice whispered, seeming to come from all around us, “I hope this batch is slightly tougher than the last.”

“What in the hell is that?” Flint asked angrily. He was a heavyset Asian with a shaved head and thick jowls. The fat on his face made his eyes look tiny in comparison.

“Vampire.” Jessica answered, head whipping around, obviously looking for the source of the strange voice. She wasn’t bad looking but she wasn’t a beauty either- too tall, too skinny, and a nose that rats would envy.

“You’re not serious!” Flint said.

“I’ve seen one before-”

Laughter bubbled up from the shadows around us. It was like a laugh track played on four different speakers at four different times and four different speeds- and it was spooky as hell.

I raised my voice, “It could be. Gustav, anything we should know?”

Something fell impossibly fast from the ceiling and slammed me against the floor, knocking the wind out of me.

Gustav’s voice cackled through the speakers. “It’s free!”

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