Very nice, Jessica. I very much like what you’ve done with this. You have a very nice touch with the ethereal.
‘The one whose imagination she embodied’… I have a feeling that ‘embodied’ is the wrong word. ‘Expressed’? ‘Articulated’?
The last line in particular makes it clear that ownership of a character is easily transferred from author to author. I have to wonder, though, whether it remains a single character or whether it becomes a series of doppelgangers which are substituted for each other in an instant. I can’t think how to turn that into a story, so I’ll just drop it here in case anyone else wants to try.
The reference to the Russian girl is of course similar to the reference to the man beneath the stands. How is Katya by the way? Enjoying her holiday? :-P
Oh…Katya is good…she has yet to let me know what she wants to do next. ^^;
As for “embodied”…the way I see it, the “Lady of the Fair Isle” as I have come to think of her, is the avatar for my imagination. Everything that I have ever imagined, she can recreate, whether the words were mine or not (maybe that will help you come up with a better word?). :)