Uncrossed T's, Undotted I's.
I’ve come to tell you something
It’s something you may not know
It’s something I’ve kept hidden
I’ve never let it show.
It’s burning deep inside me
It’s waiting to get out
It is an all-powerful fever
An all-encompassing doubt.
I’ve always felt some torture
Some sadness and some fear
I’ve learned to shut the whole world out
Before they’ve come too near.
I search for the imperfections
Uncrossed T’s; Undotted I’s
I find them then tear down down down
Until they’re out of sight.
And then I plead the lonely fifth
The innocent forgotten ghost
the one unloved and sad and cold
who should be loved the most.
It somehow all comes back to you
and all your dirty lies
And all the love you won’t accept
No matter how hard I try.