
Reality Not Far Behind

I ran. Like a fool I ran.

My footsteps clattered behind me like some ghost of a pursuer, but they were the falsity, and reality was not far behind. I took a glance back and upped my pace, bounding up a flight of stairs.

At the top, there was a door with a hefty padlock and a more likely-looking window. The stairs down the other side were clogged up with cardboard boxes looking to contain cement blocks. I stopped for a minute to catch my breath.

A canine howl and clatter of claws close by spurred me on. Standing all the way up, I ran over and gave the window a quick inspect. Locked. But not for long. I made a fist and smashed through the lower right pane. After feeling around for a few seconds, I found the lock and a thrill of relief surged through me. I flipped it, gingerly lifted the window about an inch by grasping the broken glass, and then popped it up all the way, making a banging echo at the top. No time to be wasted. I put one foot on the narrow sill and went forward into the unknown.

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