A sequel! How fun. I like the mood here, and the cliffhanger ending is fun. This seems to flesh out her level of resourcefulness and hints that she’s done this for a while or multiple times before.
One note, starting a sentence with a conjunction (and, or, but, etc) is considered ‘weak’. I don’t know if that’s the right word for it, but if you try I think you’ll find it reads better if you avoid doing it.
“new” should be “knew” if you have the space. :) You brought the witch back, yay! And I love that she has a bag of things to make a run for it, as if this has happened before. (Yes, I began a sentence with a weak conjunction. AGAIN! @THX who must know that I commented in conjunctions on another story.. Personally, I find them conversational, albeit admittedly weak for formal writing.)
Nice phrasing. I enjoyed the pace to this, but you maintained a level of calm to it that reflects the character very well. How do you pronounce the name? – I do hate it when my lack of knowledge snags my reading =S Abby x