Fun back and forth and comes across as amateur Ghost Hunters. They make a funny duo.
I maybe would have set the ‘There!’ off on its own, but that’s a style thing. The semicolon in the sentence about bats doesn’t sit well with me, but I can’t say, so I don’t think it’s necessarily a valid critique.
I agree with THX: “Fun back and forth and comes across as amateur Ghost Hunters.”
I would like to see that in this story. Like the equipment belonging to the Junior High AV class or something like that. I doubt an amateur would “own” all that stuff. But then again, I’m not up on all the newly fangled cheap stuff, I guess I’m envisioning an old style 50lb video camera since she has to “heft” the tripod. Strange how one word locks in my perspective because I know the new ones today weigh less than 4lbs.
very true.. I was thinking he did have to set up some stuff, but with today’s advances… and homemade science fair stuff would be so much cooler. Too bad I don’t have any ideas for some! tell ya what, I’ll edit, and you all can insert some gizmos in a sequel!