
Lights out, time for...

There was a moment of pure stillness unlike the world had ever known before. Summer felt like all her insides had been hollowed out and that she was a fragile shell floating in space, she thought she had her eyes open but she couldn’t see if Becky was still beside her. She wasn’t sure there were words for what she could see.

Then, the street again. Summer was lying on the ground where she’d been standing previously. She looked over and saw Becky was lying on the ground too. They’d obviously blacked out. Summer checked to see that Becky was okay, at least physically she seemed fine, the look in her eyes was something else altogether. Summer scanned the street, all the lights were out and everyone else who had been outside at the same time were also picking themselves up off of the street. She could see that their neighbor Mr Barren was still lying still on the ground, then she realized that before they’d all passed out he’d been looking out of his second story window.

The sky looked, well like the sky again.

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