
The Quick Spin

So I sez to Karl, "Jeremy asked me to wise him up, if Cassie goes behind his back and, you know, runs a scheme under his nose. But I know that Jeremy knows that if Cassie is running a scheme, I’m gonna be right there running B-team. Twice times over. But he doesn’t know that I know he knows I’m going to try to pull a kipper on him (by helping Cass). But I think to myself, ‘Jeremy knows 3 quartz of everything, he probably already has it on the 5-under that Cassie is more than funny bone deep in extra something, and that I’m gonna lie all about it —just to send him running ovals around the fax’.

So what I figs is that the only way to scoop Jeremy is to tell him the truth, cuz I gotta assume that he knows that I know that he knows, and that I know he thinks I’m going to lie on his face."

Basically, to keep Jeremy in stitches I had to pull a Double Reverse Quick Spin.

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