
Full Circle

“What’s so funny babe?”

“This guy’s Facebook comments. There’s a page called You Know You’re From Kirkland When. He’s new. People always talk about the same stuff, but this guy remembers weird and funny things, some of them are great. And he’s not afraid to call people out on their B.S.”

“Like what?”

“Mrs. Hogg. People post on here about how crazy and scary she was. You know, outhouses, emaciated horses and a monkey with the mange.You and I used to talk about her in Junior High…remember?”

“Yeah! The spider monkey!”

“Well, this guy used to deliver her paper. He was in her house. He says she-”

“-What’s his name?”

“Tosh… Gary? Are you okay? Gary! What’s wrong!?”

She’d never seen her husband cry. Ever. He was one of calmest unemotional people she knew. She’d waited years for this

“Can you send him a message, you’ll have to do it, you know I can’t type.”

And it all came out. Her husband the bully. He tortured and haunted this poor boy from 5th through 9th grade. And he thought he killed him

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