Ugh. I was thoroughly disgusted, and thinking murder, and then I re-read the title. For some reason, that made everything okay.
This is still remarkably disturbing, but the premise … it’s like one of those dark Strewel Peter stories intended to caution children of the perils of this or that.
Anyone willing to write a Strewel Peter style prequel to this, or any prequel at all, will have my undying gratitude.
jesteram – the worst part of this is that I had intended to write a funny story and by the time I’d finished I just felt vaguely uncomfortable. But, yes, it’s a cautionary tale.
In execution, it’s depressing and disgusting in a terrible way.
In concept, it’s absolutely hilarious.
The result is something that I don’t think “dark humor” quite covers.
I’m not sure if it really quite requires “mature” status, but then I think of how it could look if the wrong person was looking over a reader’s shoulder…
i, Coomber
BA Boucher