
Where, or when?

He stood at the doorway, anxiously patting down his pockets while looking with wide eyes at the ground around him. “I can’t find the keys.”

A somewhat bored and not quite disbelieving voice chirped over the headset “What do you mean ‘I can’t find the keys’?”

“It means I can’t find the keys. I had them earlier, and now they’re gone.”

“They’re gone.”

“Yes, they’re gone.”

The voice on the headset sighed. “And where did you have them last that you actually remember?”

“At the house. I used one of keys to open the back door, and then…oh, man.”

“Where did you leave them?”

“On a desk. They had a great family picture in a frame, and I put them down to pick it up and get a closer look.”



Another sigh. “The gateway will be reset in an hour. Hope you can figure out how to get back in without the keys. AGAIN.”

“Thanks. Won’t happen again.”

“Yea, right. Get back here.”

“On my way.”

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