Things Indifferent
“You know others are coming” The Bishop shuddered, “We don’t have much time.”
“I won’t be here. But I have a message for you to tell them. You understand? If you don’t spread this word, I’ll make things very hard on all your flocks and you’ll be to blame.”
Jesus continued. “You and almost every other faith idolizes my death penalty. You all worship it. You later called me King of the Jews. You’ve turned my blood and body into representations of me then take a sip and nibble!”
Shouting, Jesus melted lead; “My point is, how dare you all RE-CRUCIFY me by deleting 18 years of my 33! How dare you bury the fact that I apprenticed under my spiritual brother Seneca of Stoicism. And what do you do? You redact enough information so you could continue to fund and build your houses of gaudiness!”
Jesus fell onto his knees. “Then you viciously wiped MY faith from the face of this earth. Well Barnaby, large flying steel birds are on their way. I Leave you with this: Virtue is nothing else than right reason.”