incredibly disturbing. But, like dkscully said, the writing is classy. I want to make an obvious comparison to The Handmaid’s Tale, but I’m not even sure if it’s apt its so long since I read the book.
My favourite line is “Good crowd for a new girl, they said”. It says so much about the situation and ‘they said’ is painful in its banality. All the frenzy and then that in the middle of it. And then again at the end: “…they said.”
I don’t know if you saw BA Boucher’s entry in the challenge but it’s weirdly similar and yet completely different. And this one and that are my favourites.
For all the people that said my story made them feel dirty and really liking it, I now know what they mean.
“frenzy around me and in me” that is a spectacular line.
Highest marks and I bow to your superior efforts.
@spiderj I saw the parallels to Handmaiden as well. Remember the sex in that book was the wife laying on top of the handmaid so the husband looked at her instead of where he was sticking his dirty business.
BA Boucher: I am bowing to your superior efforts too. I hadn’t read your entry when I wrote this, but we are heading on parallel tracks, a universe apart.
Thank you all for saying such kind things about my piece.