A regular girl 4
Anyway, back to my immediate dilemma. I promised promised promised darling husband that I would cut back on the high cost of being me. The challenge is that I have yet to find a single big item that is easy to cut without feeling really pissed. I can make a very strong and rational argument for each element of grooming. And don’t even get me started on the stuff you have to buy to “maintain your look.” Sigh.
I enjoy using the word “invest” when discussing things like $357 – oops now $407 – salon bills. It sounds like I’m building for the future or something.
So, financial issues aside, I am off to lunch with my best friend, Cece, who is getting married in exactly six months, four days and two hours. The weird part is I seem to be more excited about her wedding than she is. The bridesmaid dress she’s chosen allows me and three other victims the privilege of resembling a yellow sofa my mom owned in 1975. The dresses are thick tapestry, shiny and unfortunately, not exactly slimming.