What I Did For Summer Vacation: 1971
“Where are you going?”
“That’s MY bathroom. You have to use the one off the back porch. If you have to tinkle, go outside so’s you don’t waste my water.”
“But people might see me gramma!”
“Don’t worry, I told them all you were comin for the summer. I planted black-eyed peas too for you. It will give you something to do while you’re here.”
“I hate black-eyed peas, they make me throw up!”
“Why you ungrateful little niglet. I spent good money on seed and water to grow your peoples kind of food. Just for that, I’m going to set this here juice glass on the back of your toilet. You can drink that water, you don’t deserve anything out of the city tap.”
“Why do I have to use that toilet, there’s no lights or sink back there.”
“Silly little niggy. All you mixed raced boys are born with a hole in the side of your penis. That’s why all blackies have their own bathrooms, they spray pee all over the floors and walls.”
“I don’t have a side hole.”
“Show me your tallywacker then.”
“Come. Here.”