That was hilarious and adorable. I liked the mix of the agents’ worry and the halcion existence of the socks themselves. It’s like grim observers on the edge of Wonderland. Fun stuff.
I didn’t give 3 pencils, so I don’t know. Least I can do is balance it out a bit.
Like THX said, I like the juxtaposition of the grim, serious conspiracy-theory-esque side and the whimsical socks side, which makes this really fun to read.
My only complaint is that although the last line was funny, it seemed a mite out of place because all along you never seemed to introduce a first-person narrator up until that line – it seemed mostly third-person, especially in the prominent paragraph eight – so it felt like a bit of a jarring switch. Perhaps you would like to consider editing the phrasing of the final line to make it fit a little better? But don’t mind me, it works fairly well as it stands.
All in all, an amusing and quirky piece which I enjoyed reading.
I do like this tongue-in-cheek approach. It’s cute but still puzzling/mysterious. I agree with Nickel…the last line can be edited without affecting the story.
Oh, that made me smile! The images. I almost want to set my socks free into the wild! Some of them have faces after all.
I like the last line being first person actually. It’s like in a film with an old narrative – a Morgan Freeman narrative, if you will – where someone is looking back over history and recounting the tale of the discovery … that socks grew legs.
In my mind, this is narrated by a speaker as PJ says (none other than a rather charismatic and forward thinking young “toed” sock…by the name of Archibald. (
And for that reason I am keeping the final line.
I’m also setting up the R.S.P.C.S to try and deal with this tragic issue and attempt to save the thousands of socks still imprisoned by various sweaty feeted CIA employees.
Construct of a Mind
Abby (LoA)
THX 0477
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
Abby (LoA)