All in a Day's Work
Another day another dollar selling tapes on the side of the road. Just trying to make ends meet. Got laid off, hate hard labor anyway. Buddy of mine ripped these off from the video store, they won’t miss ‘em. Everything’s changing over to DVD anyway. Nice night, nice spot. Good amount of traffic. You see, there’s a car slowing down already. A couple girls. College girls maybe. They want some movies to go with the pizza they’re about to eat I bet. See what did I say, this chair convinces ‘em every time. I bet they see a disabled vet. Shoot, I wouldn’t go to war if you paid me. I’d rather sling tapes. Girls like what they see. Movies I mean. Can’t beat a grade A action flick, yours to own for $5, can you? Oh hell no. These sprinklers did not just kick on at 9pm. Damn hurry up and grab those movies. Shit these girls ain’t gonna buy no wet jacked up tape. Oh Lord, I can stand. Lord I can walk. Lord, I can even grab 4 tapes in each hand! Hallelujah! Praise him. That will be $10. You ladies have a nice night.