Wow! This is exactly what I was after. Thanks for entering and getting the ball rolling. I do hope this is true because it’s really interesting and certainly not what I first guessed when I read your name.
Well written, nicely structured (if I may get technical). I liked your summing up in the last couple of paragraphs.
I like the letter s too and I love how you said ‘esses’ instead of s.
Really cool piece. Thanks again for entering. Abby x
Ah, Abby, it’s been a while, as it often is these days between visits.
It’s not TOTALLY true, but I had to think to try to make the piece interesting to read, as all writers must, and taking poetic licence (ooer, should that be lisence with an ess? LOL) is allowed.
I’m a Scrabble lover for a long time too, Abby, and every letter of the alphabet has a way of being written as a word. Writing esses is more eye-catching and interesting than writing s’s, or some other variation which I’m unsure is grammatically correct. And the habit of writing plurals of letters with an apostrophe-s looks ugly too, in my opinion.
I felt like having a dip last night, and when I saw that you had posted a challenge, I wanted to try to give it a go. You’re one of my favourite people here :O)
Dig the part about tattoos SnS. I have 10 myself and if I had the time and or $ I’d have more! An Aussie huh? How is it down under? Always wanted to travel there…..hear the woman are 2nd to none!!!!!