
Red Die 40

I’m staring deep into a curved black throat, it’s dark and undulating tongue draws me in.

I am the morsel, a small bight of pain, tossed around inside it’s angry mouth.

Finally I see a light, the gate keeper needs a code to let me through.

A hungry hand twists my chin, forcing me to read a list of all that’s wrong in my life.

A monster with eyes as large as the moon, roars from behind, edging me closer to the familiar glow.

I’ve been here before, I know what to do. It all ends later, on a dark side road, alone with idling music and tired tears.

I see the keeper, he looks familiar. Damn, I’ve entered the same throat, this is all getting too confusing.

“Welcom— Oh, hello! You again…did we forget something?”

Why am I concerned, I really don’t care. I’ve told him what I know, he’s the only one I’ll talk to about my wants.

“No, um….my mom called me on my way home and asked me to pick her up a Super Size #7…Isn’t that funny?”

The throat laughs and spits me out onto a dirty 2 a.m. street.

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