Ha! I like this. I keep reading it and every time I do, my brain goes into some kind of feedback loop. A classic “which came first” question with a twist.
Other than your cruel abuse-though-overuse of the comma (I recognize a fellow abuser when I see one, and I’m bad, really bad), I think it’s perfect.
With us passing 7 billion people on the planet, I had this vision of heaven being full and St Peter having to ‘redirect’ some people at the pearly gates…
In my eyes this is really fun and light-hearted, and if there is a serious message behind it then I don’t think I want to discover it. Both of the characters seem to have very genuine, happy-go-lucky personalities (I never thought I’d describe St Peter as happy-go-lucky but there ya go).
By the way I love the little rhyme in your tags =D.
You’re missing a question mark in your first line of speech. “What’ll you learn” should be “What you’ll learn.” Semi-colon in the 4th paragraph could be a full colon – reads better. I also think that that sentence should do without the second ‘that’.
I love that this is in the past tense…so the narrator survived their experience to tell the tale. Wonderful little story. Abby x