Thank you very much for enjoying our series. It has slowed down a fair bit, but I do believe that Robert and August want it to continue as much as I do and will endeavor to make it back to the lands of Ficly when they can.
Ooh intriguing! It’s always great to get an old series going after a long time – they’re all so good that they deserve to be picked up and dusted off. It’s sad when I think of all the unloved ones unfinished on the shelves of the great Ficly library.
I haven’t read the series so I’m a little confused by the plot (will take a look late if I have time) and instead I’ll focus on the writing.
Very well written. Good use of structure and italics for effect. The dialogue was awesome too. It’s all very blunt but still beautiful, and we get to know the characters quickly.
This is how a series attracts my attention! Well written Abby x