
Quick Ride

Never had I heard of such behaviour!, I thought whilst driving the cab around the corner. Not only had Saph disobeyed orders, but he had also broken the first rule of the Syra; never ever to interfere with a situation that is already taking place. I drove past the Chinese and my mind already raced to the location I was needed to go. Just then I came up behind red lights, the cars in front of me could budge. Frustrated, I hit the steering wheel with my fist, left a dent in it and let out a groan. That is what I get for trying to save the cub’s neck.
After what seemed an eternity, the lights finally turned green and I hit the speeding pedal. Around the next corner I saw Saph and he talking to Gem! I accelerated once more, driven by the dwelling fury and came to an abrupt halt just next to Saph.
“Are you out of your mind?!”

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