Formula 2/22/2222
“I hate Mars. I hate being a Martian too.”
“Shut up and drink your formula. Today is a special day, there will never be another 2/22/2222, all two’s.”
“Too funny.”
“Now that’s funny!”
“The world began on 0/00/0000. The next string would be 1/11/1111.”
“No, you’re wrong. It would be 11/11/1111.”
“Smart ass.”
“Yeah, maybe the first Martian Smart Ass.”
“I wonder what planet we’ll be defending 3/3/3333.”
“You’re getting way ahead of yourself Captain.”
“Don’t call me that when we’re alone. I hate that, I’m not a captain of one. It’s just you and me in this dented rust bucket.”
“Sorry Jack, I forget you asked me not to call you that.”
’What are you doing with that pistol Zane?"
“It’s a mutiny, I’m tired of the way things are, I can’t take orders from you anymore.”
“Well, were do we go from here?”
“I’m tired of playing cribbage, it’s chess from now on.”
“But you always win at chess, I hate those 64 squares.”
“There’s 204 squares, count ’em.”
“You and your numbers, it’s always math with you.”