Nice portrayal of the reality of suicide, that is essentially a selfish act. Her statement to “encourage others” is patently false; her actions deny such a sentiment. Really, it was just a last cry for attention and a final thumbing her nose at the world. The way the narrator feels at the end is all that gets accomplished by suicide.
I know that sounds harsh, and really I help suicidal people all the time. But after all the drama and romanticizing of suicide, I always try to be consistent about reinforcing the reality of it. It sucks and is just about the meanest thing you can do to everyone who has ever known you.
Thoroughly engaging writing, addressing a compelling subject (here’s my shameless plug:
Homophobia is foul and I was on the receiving end of it for a long time at school. It has shaped the way I look at the world and it took me 20 years to come to terms with it.
Oh this sparks many painful memories for me! Very emotionally and beautifully written. The second paragraph is so full of raw pain and feeling that it almost made me cry just reading it.
Two very strong subjects to write on but you’ve managed it very well. The rhetorical questions at the end also work very well to emphasise guilt and grief.
@THX…sometimes, some people deserve to be selfish and we’re the ones that become selfish, by forcing them to hold on in a world where they’re suffering. Sometimes, we have to let go.
Thank you for the kind comments! Believe it or not, I wrote this because it truly happened to me. A few hours after I wrote the story the girl did message me. She is okay.