This is heartbreaking, but beautifully written. It makes me sad, but you can’t help but appreciate the fic as a whole. It’s raw and has a lot of emotion to it.
In my opinion, this is your best ficly yet! It has all the emotion of your other pieces … but the structure is better and you’ve got a little more length than normal – more for me to read. Hurah!
I love the description of action in the third paragraph especially – it’s so beautiful and sad all at the same time.
I challenge you to write something cheerful! Abby x
Theres more out there for you. The way you put words to paper is a clear example of that. I hope you have people around you now to diminish these feelings although it makes great reading. A moving entry on your part which touched heavily on my heart.
I don’t want to be a wet blanket because wet blankets usually smell of mold and cat pee. They’re unsanitary and uncomfortable.
I can’t let this go with entirely positive review. It’s difficult to see the difference between what you’ve written here and the result of the Goth-O-Matic Poetry Generator. I have no inherent dislike of suicide stories or poetry or anything between, but I thought the time of early-00’s emo poems had passed.
I’m confident that you can do a lot better than this.
I appreciate your opinion, although I do disagree. I understand that you dislike the idea of suicidal poems or stories or what have you, but I think that if you can look past that, you can appreciate the style in which the topic was written.
This is a memory of my past, a product of the pain that I endured, not a generic piece as you seem to be suggesting… which is why it makes it hard for me to agree with your above comment.
Thank you for the feedback and your opinion though.