This is ten times more amazing just because I know that it’s real. Your little boy is very lucky to have such a loving dad. You two obviously have a great time together.
And I love the fact that someone’s managed to write about happiness without having to pull it out of their imagination. Sometimes, I think that it’s impossible to be happy in real life – so thanks for restoring my faith in humanity.
The emotion and sentiment behind it makes it difficult for me to criticise. The few faults only highlight the love. It’s beautiful. Thanks for entering. Abby x
Thank you so much for your response. Without ? he is my favorite topic to write about. He fills all of doubts and makes me a better person and consistently makes me laugh. I too was miserable and had doubts in this world until my boy was born. I hope I can continue to enlighten and apease all of the ficliteers with my ever progressing effort.
Lovely and heartfelt. Very little beats that unbridled love and affection of a little kid for their parent. Nice little ficly. Sure, sure you won’t go out as much and may not get a normal night’s sleep for several years in a row, if not longer, but totally worth it.
Great details in here that make it real… “it would hurt to hold it as long as he does”, “dry kisses”, and others. Writing from the heart is the best way.
You can definately feel the emotion reading it, and, even though I think the wording sometimes comes off as clumsy, it really brought a smile to my face. I’m glad for this challenge. It’s taking a lot of negative off my challenge temporarily.