
the logician

i never thought
to think
of how you felt;
i’m sorry.
i guess it was
sort of selfish.

but logically,
it’s illogical;
to feel guilt
for unintentionally
causing guilt
that was,
logically speaking,
duly dealt.

but that’s logic’s words,
not mine.
in my mind,
it’s my fault
and i should
but i think
i should just
clear things up
and leave it
at your side

(i’m not angry at you;
but at myself
please keep this in mind
as you read
through these words

three pages worth
of rambling
but none of it is

listen, now
i’m used to hurt
you aren’t the first
you won’t be the last
i can take it
i tell myself i can
you needn’t worry
it’s not your fault

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