@Reaver19: The numbers are footnotes. I tried an experiment to see if keeping the superficial part of the story unburdened by the deeper levels would work. It doesn’t seem to work all that well. I suspect that interspersing roman and italic text would be far more effective. I’ll likely rewrite this one to do just that, but save this version as a prequel.
Wow, August, this is…fantastic! I actually could figure out the footnotes and I LOVED that you put them in there because I’ve never seen that before. This is disturbing but recently I’ve been writing disturbing things as well! It makes me sound weird but I just really enjoy this post. I think it brings something more to the table and it’s new and i like it! hhahaha. Funny. not long ago I posted a story about prostitution, but it wasn’t a very good post. Anyways, great job on this! you’ve set the bar high for the next challenger! :)