Land Shark
Cammi reels Ort in. If she left him alone, he’d chew right through to New Asia. The Razor Backed Bison’s blood soaks into the arena, she fought a phenomenal battle; she’ll gain Pure New Breed status.
Like us, Ort’s swallow is an all-or-nothing reflex. A reptilian dog cousined from the Komodo dragon and the Great Bear Dog (Amphicyon), his fangs are legendary.
Ort’s throat is outfitted with an iron diaphragm. He can’t swallow anything larger than a rabbit, most often an agonizing effect for his larger victims. Without it, he can swallow a human whole, crushing skin and bone on its way down.
His stance is not at all unlike his Indonesian cousin. Lumbering low to the ground, he wields his tail like a horse shooing flies. The appendage is a heavily spiked cudgel that can crush a Warm Blooded Tortoises’ shell.
Nearly blind by nature, Ort’s hearing is also modified, he has none. Screaming and wailing is one thing a Mezzo can’t ignore. Once he hears it, he will seek it out until it either stops or it’s swallowed.