
A Silly Girls Plea

“Eduardo, why are you leaving me at a time like this!”
“Because, to be painfully honest, your chest is flat.”
“We talked about that, though. I can get implants…”
“No, no. It won’t work.”
“What do you mean it won’t work?”
“The effort, the preparations, all the expense! It is really just too much.”
“I know our debt is really large right now but…”
" Oh, oh, yes – it stretches across the ceiling! And do you know why? Because all you ever do is spend, spend, spend!"
“I really don’t spend that much!”
“You’ve bought two horses within the past month!”
“Oh please…two horses isn’t that much. Especially when they could have been winning horses.”
“That is what you said about Comet. And look where he is? He hasn’t won a single race!
Then there was Ryder. Ryder was suppose to be so special. Now it is just like all the other horses. Failures.”
“Eduardo please don’t go! You said you loved me!”
“Silly girl, I have nothing more to say to you but this; I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion.”

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