

In a featureless plain where there was neither heighth nor depth, nor matter nor energy there was an existence, an awareness from before time began, that existed, exists and will exist long after time has ended.

“What is reality?” I asked.

“Duality and relationships.” I answered.

We gestured around us filling the empty space with matter and energy.

“It is everything- " One me began.

“-and the nothing that fills the spaces in between everything.” The other me finished.

Together we started talking faster and faster until it wasn’t clear which one of us was speaking and which one was echoing. The words became an audible blur, a chorus of thought. “It is perception. It is truth. It is lies. It is energy and entropy. It is godhood and mortality. It is memories and dreams. Life and death. Sanity and madness. Order and chaos.”

After a moment of silence I spoke again.

“It is that it is.”

That was satisfactory. Except a new question arose. If we were all that is, was, and will be, then who is reading this?

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