haha, as I am eating …You know, I read this about three times, first time, I just assumed it was about our white powder friend…INTERESTING! LOVE IT in my morbid way! 5 from me! yummy coconut no bake cookies ! that is what I am crunching an munching on!
To me, this was more sad than disgusting or scary. Grief twists the mind, throws us into madness through our longing. There was a distant tone, accentuated by the occasional piece of poetry “the life she led, and the lies she fed.”
Amazing little ‘recipe’ in the middle section. Italics worked very well there and the last line to that piece was brilliant.
The emotion is very raw (which seems a little ironic to my sick mind) and you express that brilliantly, excellent phrasing and language.
As always, my pet hate is numbers in writing. Could the ‘6’ possibly be a ‘six’. Sorry…don’t know why it annoys me.
Anyway. This definately deserves it’s featured spot. The very last line hits hard. Great work. Abby x