
Lust's revenge

These weekends on the job, became an every day thing eventually. His wife already was three states over, he, a romantic just hoped deep down inside she would come back with the kids and just love him. For whatever reason, after having 4 kids the oldest was three years younger than his new found love. So he felt love. But was it? It had been so long. Work, Home, Work, Home. His family came to visit him through the summer. Now that summer was over and they all went back home, including his wife, who made him sleep on the couch when they visited anyway. All the reasons to feel no guilt…They hadn’t had sex since their last child who was going on five! How did it ever get to this, and why was I hanging on? asking himself things like this seemed to make it easier to move on, he was sure his wife had, she just acted like she hadn’t. He began to pine for her, as the crew dwindled down throughout the day, such a strong desire, he counted down the hours, minutes, seconds. The weekend was nearly there.

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