Hardly subtle, but I like it. Creepy, dark, simple.
A few technical points: (Yes, I am that person.)
1. I only reject food, it is repulsive. I hunger for escape. 2. I feel the blood pool in my nails and when my eyelids open, I molest my open wounds. 3. I see nothing, I feel no pain. The grammar in these lines is wonky. That comma should either be a full stop or a semi colon. It sends my brain off kilter. I know you want it all in one sentence but it would still feel cohesive seperated by a colon of some sort.
The girls are diligently behind me. You can’t be diligently. Also diligently is a weird word. It doesn’t match its surroundings.
Other than that I think it’s brilliant. The feel of the piece is fantastic. And it’s stuck between poetry and prose, much like the protag is stuck between two people, two minds.