Trips to the Moon
My eyes open to the natural greens and whites of the forest. I can’t say I’m surprised. This fucking couch has a habit of getting lost. Kicker, right? Normally a couch would be INSANELY hard to lose track of, but, there’s something about this one. Although, I’m not sure if I would call it “lost” if I get lost with it.
Hell, I’ve quicker ended up on the Golden Gate Bridge, the Sears Tower, the fucking gates of Atlantis. A forest? This isn’t magical nor incredible. It’s a forest. What’s the thing trying to preach to me on this one? Go green? Enjoy nature? Fuck. I’d much rather breath in the view at the Grand Canyon, the hanging gardens in Babylon, the sight of the Earth as a distance fucking entity.
Yet, I’m surrounded by trees and grass. The sounds of music surround me as I try to stand to my toes; something kept me sitting down. I wish I could say I’m enjoying this, I was never much for nature. At least there are no spiders. Fuck spiders.
Wait, what is that?