An amusing take on the inner workings of the mind. It presents a frightening potential situation and begs the question, “What would happen without the automatic stuff?” In all likelihood, we’d die, but not before being overwhelmed with sheer panic.
Fun stuff. Felt fantastical but also fairly informed in terms of psychology.
Thanks, THX. I often wonder about this “other” that lives inside of “me,” and that keeps me going. I was particularly intrigued to find out that decisions, although they can be rationally informed, are made in a non-rational part of the mind/brain. I was also particularly distressed to find out that the “other” will, in the right circumstances, lie to “me.” This is what illusions are, and I found the illusion known as “cutaneous rabbit” to be particularly disturbing (see:, probably because it’s one of the few illusions associated with touch rather than vision.