ok, I kinda had a hard time with this one, I am pointing it out. I begun writing off the imagination of what I see children doing. Hoping that it brings to light why one may never know what the meaning of this “MAGICALTHING” will be in ones life. The hard part is writing it live, so to speak, its like trying to draw a still drawing of a three year old, probably can’t get the face quite right!!! LMK what you think please! Thanks
Well this certainly isn’t bad, I understand how you would have a hard time describing this. I feel like this may be over critical but when I read it, I saw the word flipping twice and then pages like..a few times. If you could maybe consider rewording to keep it fresh and not repetitive but if you don’t it definitely doesn’t effect it negatively.
Interesting concept to take on. I enjoy the fact he has the capacity to explore all of what he hears, feels, and sees. I think it’s a great piece of childhood that has lots of potential.
You have some sentence fragments, but the essence of the child finding wonder in the sounds around him is there. The thing is, what part of this is impossible in real life?? :)
The impossibility is for us to know how such things inspire children, if they become a musician, if they become a writer, if they become a movie critic.
We will NEVER know what this child will become, and guessing isn’t setting it in stone that they will become that. One might guess they will be a musical genius,when in fact, they could be a cereal killer, or a cross dressing closet homo, who works in a pharmacy for his day job. Or even a NASCAR driver. There are infinite possibilities in ones life to decide what they will be. Perhaps pinpointing what we think they will become makes it easier for us to comprehend! So, this piece is actually out of a bit of frustration, that you can see things leading you to believe; when in fact they may mean nothing. Just a curious kid playing with a book!
Definitely got the feel of wonder and exploration in this one. The sentence structure was a little distracted, as well as the sequence in the middle where he is standing tall (not sure what you meant by “superman-d”?), and then he is laying down. That broke up the flow a bit. Other than the little grammar issues, an intriguing look at the beginning of a journey.