I understand your unique perspective on this subject, ElshaHawk. I do have an answer to the last of your questions. Where we start is by answering one difficult question: why do we educate children in the first place? There are probably dozens of answers to this question and until it is answered fully and completely, we can’t even begin to fix the education system.
Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here? The Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to Alice: I don’t much care where. The Cat: Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go. Alice: …so long as I get somewhere. The Cat: Oh, you’re sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.
Oh, and I don’t think that any of these questions are unanswerable. I think they’re the wrong questions to starting with. The presumption is that the current system is fixable, but I’ll bet it isn’t. No one with the ability to do anything about it has a view that is any longer than the length of time to the next election. Fixing the education system likely requires that the political system be fixed first. But hey, I’m just spitballin’ here.
I am not in a position to try, though we tell the kids that one person can make a difference.. If not me, then whom? well those with the power are, like August says, more worried about the political position they are in. If a teacher does something radical, they are most likely shot down. :) Thanks for the comments!