The Lone Stranger
Lifting the katana above his head, the ninja threw himself at the strange enemy. Suddenly, the man lifted his hairy scarred arms, pointing the chainsaw directly at the ninja. Then the stranger pulled a trigger on the chainsaw, firing a red-hot bullet out of the end of it.
The ninja twisted his body in the air, the bullet grazing his right arm (his katana-holding arm), burning away the flesh. The ninja howled in agony and grabbed his appendage, paying no attention to his enemy.
The Man revved his chainsaw, swinging it at the flailing ninja flying towards him. Thanks to sheer luck, the ninja’s blade managed to save him, though it cost it’s own life. As the shattered steel tumbled down the roof, the ninja rolled after it hoping to get away from the deadly chainsaw blades.
Just as the Man was going to saw the ninja in half, a hulking piece of earth slammed into his body.
With a grunt the Man lost his balance and tumbled down the other side of the roof head-first.
With a thump he hit the hard ground