Nicely done. Your line about dancing on paper is perfect, it ties in with the other required lines, I had to look at the list, I was irritated for a moment thinking I had missed a great line.
The last three paragraphs are golden. What comes before that is a necessary contrivance, given the challenge to use the Shakespeare’s words. One thing: throws should be throes in the first line.
‘Can we not talk about your toe fungus’ made me accidentally snort my juice so thanks for that! Girls actually do this sometimes – me and my friend used to speak old fashioned all the time. I think we like pretending to live in a time when ladies were ladies.
Back to the piece. It’s brilliant! Me love it! The characters have such a great relationship and the build up to their little ‘moment’ is perfect, although I do feel that perhaps the next speech on her part would be ‘shame, I’m not going to.’
You’ve fit the borrowed lines in really well and created an amusing scenario to fit the words of the past into a modern situation. It’s great! Abby x
@Abby: “Girls actually do this sometimes”? I had no idea that that was the case. I hereby withdraw my use of the word ‘contrivance’ with the most forceful expediency.