NBAI: The Buttening
As I hurriedly rounded the corner, stumbling and almost falling over and even running in place for one heart-stopping moment, I caught sight of those sacred cheeks under pink fabric. Blonde hair halfway down her back with pink highlights, this was the girl. Tim was faster than me, and despite the late start, hurdled forward and almost knocked her over when he caught her by the shoulder. Finally, we caught her, and Tim could get whatever business he had to do done.
“Excuse me,” he said when the girl turned around, green eyes wide with unease building into terror. “I have an important message to you from Ben Dover, it’s-” Smack. The girl ran away, and my face fell into my hands again.
“What was his name, you idiot?” I asked.
“Ben Dover, why? What happened?”
When I took my hands away to glare at him, I noticed the faces turned to the commotion and two tall quickly approaching figures.