Um, could you please delete your tag, it’s a downer. Trust us to rate your piece for you.
You’ve got the 14 lines:
1,2 1,2
3,4 3,4
5,6 5,6
7 and 7
You have mostly tens syllables too each line.
My only critique has nothing to do with the sonnet, it’s great, the twin theme comes through nicely, Like a great number of us here, your tenses need some work,
Your first section rolls off the tongue nicely.
Notice your first line in your second section and think about changing your “were” to “are”.
All sores and boils are hidden quite well; Not one can see past the blinding, bright light That hides the truths I can not bear to tell; This camouflage gives me such great delight.
Sonnets take some thought, and sometimes we get lost inside the formula and never check the whole picture, but I think you did a marvelous job of conveying a complete image. :)