
Take me to the Zoo (or rather, don't)

Arnold was irked. Actually, irked didn’t even begin to cover it. His first real job, his chance to make a mark in the world, and he’d lost the bloody rhino!

“She’s our star attraction,” he’d been told. “Take good care of her.”

Oh he’d taken good care of her alright, for the first ten minutes at least. One trip to the vending machine and one unlocked gate later, and she was gone. Arnold wandered around her paddock, calling her name. He feebly poked a pile of straw, as if hoping to find the three ton rhino curled up beneath it. Arnold had left the paddock and was wandering around the zoo when he saw that the main gate was open.

“Oh God no,” he thought as he dashed through the gate and into town.

Arnold was so distracted that he failed to notice a brightly colored bird fly over his head.

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